Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Brian. StoryBoards

I personally think this story board was done with inks and water colours or possibly copic markers

Im not overly sure because copic markers and water colour give a similar effect but copic marker give brighter colours.
Though depending on the size the picture markers often leave streaks which i can't find in this picture so i'm assuming it has been done with water colours.
The streaks left in the image give a sense for horror and violence. The pictures them selves give the same feeling but the way this was coloured enhances that feeling.

This storyboard also looks like it was done with a graphics tablet.
The contrast in this images isn't as striking as the others.
This story board was done with a combination of media. I think it was sketch with a pencil, the inked with fin liners. It looks like this was done digitally so i think they then imported the drawing into photoshop and added effects and cleaned the sketches up.
There is also a possibility that the story board was done with photoshop using the burn and dodge tool and the paint brush.
There is obviously digitally made gradients on this story board.
When looking back at the image, i realized that there is a possibility that this was drawn entirely on the computer with a graphics tablet, though the quality of the image shows that t hasn't been printed.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

other blog

check out my other blog if you want to see some of my work out side of college or check out my DA!

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Lee. website research 6

I think this website is really well designed because of the amount of movement going on. it seem like this web site was built with a mixture of 3D and green-screening, Because the entire background in some parts is fully animated. A man walks into view when the animation starts, I didn't notice it at first, which show that it is smooth but also adds to the 3 dimensionality.
This website reminds me a lot of holograms you often see in futuristic science-fiction movies because it small in size but also because of the sense of depth it has.

Lee. web research 5

The overall design of this web site looks like it was traditionally created. The little character look like they were done in pencil. But the background looks like it was done with a 3D package or even photos. I could also be a set and photos were taken from it then layered in flash.
When the website loads up, you get set a character that allows you to wander round the web site. You can also see other people who are on the site at the same time and it is possible to chat with them.
I think the site is a news site because i can only find information on there.
The site seems to be ghost themed because some of the characters are skeletons. The characters are animated as they walk and run. It is also possible to make them flight.

Lee. web research 4

I am not overly fond of this website because there isn't much happening but the image is nice and i like the design. Each door and window change when the mouse roll over them, at the same time, they are also buttons.
By clicking on them a window pops up.

Lee. web research 3

When i looked at threw this website it almost immediately made me think of the game called the sims because in that game you create a house and can then put a family inside, and you can see what each person is doing. The site reminded me of that game, not due to the creative side because you can't create anything on the site but because you can scroll around the offices and what what people are doing.
Though i think it clever that the actual interactive part is bordered by what looks like the white edge around a photo. It give the impression of being a moving photograph.
Most of the site is in that white border, the rest of the site doesn't change.

I clicked on one link which appeared to take me to a room.
This page had a video playing, but it's clever how they designed this page because the video is inside the television screen, which again gives the impression of an animated photograph.

Lee. web research 2

I like the old fashioned look this web site has yet it obvious that it was made with digital media because of the effects and i think that it is hard to create such effects with traditional media. Some of the particle effects look like the sort of thing that are done in a 3D package.
There is an animation when the website has finished loading and sound. Both involve the skull growing wings and flying at the viewer. After that the website opens properly.

You have to find the hidden buttons to move on threw the site, but as the page loads it gives you a hint to where they are.
When i clicked on the gallery button an animation played out, which was threads of words making a random pattern. It turns out tat the words were also buttons.

Lee. website research 1

I like this web site because it has a video game feeling to it. The sounds and environment, and the styles of the menus give that feeling, as i have seen something similar in a game called UFO.

To me it seems obvious that the environments are 3D generated because they aren't real for one, and i think tat they are to clean to be photo-manipulated. There's a possibility that they have combined 3d and photo-manipulation because in one o the screen shots it looks like there is both.

Some of the pages, when they have loaded, also remind me of a space ship. I have seen a similar display in movies like Stargate or Startrec.
Though the environments also remind me of these movies because of the aztec pyramid you see in the screenshots. Stargate as a civilization whose ships are shaped like this.

By clicking on a link in the menus, it loads up a loading screen then takes you to an other page. They all have the pyramid in them. Considering all the details and animations, this website loads up quickly.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Brian. black and white images/animations examples

As i am intending to do my animation in just line art, i've decided to look at various line art styles. The style i like the best is usually where the lines add depth and weight to the drawing.

Putting a bold line around the drawing makes it stand out from a blank background.
I have also used this technique when i have a relatively plain texture as background.
Though opposite to my usual style and this image, because i am doing an animation, i want to cut down on the amount of detail to make life easier.

This drawing was done in pencil. I find the toning very smooth which is really nice.
The artist has also used a black pencil and a rubber to create a strong contrast. It looks like the artist also used ink for the darkest of shadows.
I find the amount of detail amazing for a pencil drawing. Though by doing this on a big piece of paper it's makes doing details easier though making the drawing smooth becomes an issue.

I don't know what media the artist has used for this image but again, i'm fascinated by the amount of detail, especially on a background. Background are usually what pull me back and i usually hardly put any detail into them because i find that they distract form the character but also i'm not confidant with backgrounds and i feel that it does hold me back.

I like how blurry this image is. Though this image is in grayscale it still have a nice effect.
The line on the tunnel which follow the curve of the tunnel are so close together that they create an optical illusion. The way the light is shining on them enhances the effect.
I really like the contrast between the light and and the black of the Silhouette . It's this sort of contrast i am looking for.
It gives a sense of freedom as the character is at the exit of the tunnel.

The shading style in this image is similar to the way i shade in black an white.
This image gives me a sense of free self expression, freedom comes to mind again.
This drawing is very stylish but the shading is more realistic.
My style is more realistic but the shading isn't that good. So even if i don't do any shading for this animation, i can use it at a later date.

I really like the strong contrast in this image. The shading is block shading and because the scene is at night they have concentrated on the highlights of the characters and background.
Though for the background they have put alot more detail. They have used gray to add depth to the image but all the street lights and windows are white. if i was to do a background just in black and white id probably do it liker this.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Mark. end of civilization?

That's it a possibility to how the how it would look like if a black hole swallowed our world.
But in this case the black hole is at the center of our planet which is very unlikely unless we
create it our selves.
Though i personally think that the planet would disintegrate as the black hole got near, but if i did anything like
that, visually it would be a glowing disk with some shiny specks on a black background.
I want my design to be more exiting than that, therefor i think having a hole planet would be better,
and it would actually give me something to do.

Here's how scientist think the end will happen.
I find this documentary to be very interesting and i also think i spend to much time watching
these videos but they are useful for research, and in this instance for
these projects, this video is perfect for all three.
This documentary is where i got my idea for the black hole and "Yellow Stone" eruption.
I chose a black hole for Marks project, on because i find the idea of a black hole eating our planet comical, simply due to what it would do to us physically (the spaghetti effect) before actually eating us, and i chose Yellow stone's eruption because it's certainly more imminent and you can't survive a black hole no matter what you do. It would be very hard to survive a mega volcano eruption for that matter but there's more chances than with a black hole.

Lee. yellow stone eruption

I personally think that the mega-volcano eruption is the most imminent threat, though surviving it would be a challenge for any living thing.
When the eruption happens it will turn the rain to acid, you wouldn't be able to see the sun for months, the world would be in a nuclear winter
(meaning winter would be much harsher almost like the polar regions, depending on the intensity of the eruption, most of the year.), marine life
would die out and so would most of the plant life.
I think that the only way we could survive anything like that, would be to cooperate with each other, recycle the water, grow our own food.
We would probably have to live in caves to escape from the acid.
Though during the eruption, anything in a certain area around the volcano, would be annihilated. If the people weren't burnt to death, they'd probably breath
in the ash, which would turn to something like cement once in the lungs due to the fluid that resides there, You wouldn't be able to use vehicles because they
would also be full of ash and they wouldn't run. If the vehicles did work, they'd have a hard time getting about due to the layers of ash settled onto the ground,
possibly up to 8 meters in places. It would be like the eruption in Pompeii ( Italy) but much much worse.

Like in this image, people would be mummified, frozen into position, or more precisely, backed into position, by the burning cloud of ash. This cloud
would be moving down the hills and across plains at over 300 km/h.
People close to the crater wouldn't even realize the volcano had erupted, people in near by cities "may" get a few seconds warning, but for those people,
The cloud would get there before the sound.
People further away may get a bit more warning but the won't be able to get away.
People around the world would hear the explosion, probably several times over as the echo travels around the planet. about half a day later, they would also be
feeling the effects of the eruption. The night would come early or wouldn't end depending on the time of day. It would also be very cold and a few days later
it could possibly snow. If it rained, the rain would be very corrosive.

I want to do this for my web site because it is much more imminent than any other threat like an asteroid or the black hole. The other imminent possible threat would
be a nuclear exchange between Russia and America due to a misunderstanding, though this is only a theory, The volcano is very real, and some scientist think the
eruption is over due.

here's a diagram showing most of the things i have explained so far.

This a pyroclastic flow, (i think it's from mount saint hellens) the rushing cloud of hot ash, and possibly droplets of lava. If you cloud see the cloud, there would defiantly be no escape.
Flows like this mainly go down hill, that's how they pick up speed, but once at full speed vary little can stop them, apart from the drag from the earths gravity and atmosphere.
They can also go up hills as the top half of the cloud would simply skim across the top of the hill.
Here's the development for a pyroclastic flow. Im not sure a what interval the picture were taken but at a guess they were in quick succession. This also shows how it moves across the land and doesn't loose energy or ferocity.

Most cars that run would not be able to escape a pyroclastic flow, especially in a compact area like a city. THe only thing that bothers me here is that the flow would also tear down the buildings with the heat and the force the cloud creates.
Like in this image ash would also be falling, even a fine layer would be enough to slow down traffic, and there wouldn't be any escape.

What the flow leaves behind would be something like the image above. There would probably be fires here and there and alot of rubble would be buried under ash.

THis image show the depth that ash falls can get too. This ash fall isn't very old, even though there is plants. Though volcanic ash and lava are extremely fertile and plant life can get a hold relatively quickly.

Scientists are montioring over 250 small earth quakes that have occurred in Yellowstone national park over the last few days.

While minor earthquakes are quite ‘common’ in this area, this level of seismic activity has not been witnessed before.

Reading this reminded me of a Horizon programme I watched years ago, about ‘Supervolcano’s’…

“It is little known that lying underneath one of America’s areas of outstanding natural beauty – Yellowstone Park – is one of the largest supervolcanoes in the world. Scientists have revealed that it has been on a regular eruption cycle of 600,000 years. The last eruption was 640,000 years ago… so the next is overdue.

And the sleeping giant is breathing: volcanologists have been tracking the movement of magma under the park and have calculated that in parts of Yellowstone the ground has risen over seventy centimetres this century. Is this just the harmless movement of lava, flowing from one part of the reservoir to another? Or does it presage something much more sinister, a pressurised build-up of molten lava?”