Monday, 23 November 2009

Mark. black holes

People are terrifies about the idea of being swallowed by a black hole but we will be extinct before then unless we find our selves on other planets.

But if ignore the destructive force of a black hole, and look at it's creative side, you can see their true beauty. Feeding black hole create galaxies including the one we live in and whilst doing so the darkest object and most powerful object in the universe of which even light cannot escape, becomes one of the brightest things in the universe and become known as QUASARS. It's this light show that makes people forget what monster lies in the center.

This images shows that if you ignore the destructive power of a black hole, you see their beauty.

But also, if black holes didn't exist our galaxy would never had existed in the first place.

I've thought about using the fact that our neighbor, Andromeda, will eventually will eventually collide with our milky way, but nothing to worry about.