Friday, 18 September 2009

unit 121- inspirational picture for my ideas- Ramatopia

After watching a movie called Dinotopia many years ago (as a child i think), i wished the world was like in that film. Of course it isn't, so a year or two later i made my own world which is still growing 7 years later.
These past few years i've be creating extra creatue for this world and imagining a bit more in deaph what it would be like to be there. To add more life i brought in some of the enviromment life/ways and creature of my favourte game so far, Monster hunter.
This would be a place where hunter would have to create their own weaons and armour out of creature they had slain, sleep in the tree tops, in the acient forest (a Jungle full of GIANT trees that are a cross between a baoba, a redwood pine and a palm tree) .
This is a world ruled by Dragons, wyverns and lungs, all different sized monsters.
This place would be relaiely prehistorique, contredicting it's past. 3000years ago, their world was far more adanced in technology than we are today, but catastrophic weather changes caused huge floods, Hurricanes and so on. The priest beleived that it was the wraff of the gods. 3 Months of torrential Ran destroyed the civilation and their technology. The survivors had to relearn the basics of suvival.
Their decendents today, are experienced crafts-men who can use biological materials, minerals, and ancient magic to create their weapons and armour. They also fear technology, thinking that if they used it, it would anger the gods once more. The poeple are now more unified with naure and only kill to survive, which includes hunting for food, or protecting their poeple from the giants.
Ancient ruins can still be found in some areas, hidden over time, other ruins are deep underground, burried with the shifting of the world. Some are inhabited by various sized monsters, some are just passing by, while ohers are permanant residants.
This world ould hae a varietyof enviroments going from dense jungles to deserts, from snowy mountains to firery volcanic plains. Each part of the world is inhabited in one way or and other and of course, the top predator of this world are in each part of the globe.

The images on this web page are much like the wild environment of this planet. A huge par would be forest, jungles, swamps and mountains. but you'd find huge deserts as well as volcanoes.
Though the jungles are a huge par of the environment meaning that this planet has a great amount of oxygen. The down side is that this planet is rather large, a bit bigger than our own, making it had to breah at first and suffering with cronic migranes for new visitors is common. Though by being there for a long period, you end up purrified, so when you come back to a polluted world, say like earth, you end up sufering because of that instead.

The villages now would be more like acienttribal villages.

A piece of research i've still got from a project of two years ago, so i can't really remember where i got it from.
But this would be what the remaining ruins would be like. Oddly enough, it would mostly be the religious sybloles and building that are still standing, but they are now feared for the angry ghosts of the preist that died in the floods. Iroonically thogh, the humanoides still have a similar religion.